5 Reasons To Start CrossFit Even If You Are Overweight

You do not have to wait until you lose weight to start CrossFit. Learn how CrossFit can be a contributing factor to permanent weight loss
Chris Williams
August 5, 2022

If you are overweight, interested in CrossFit as a vehicle to lose the weight, but concerned that you must be fit to start…this blog is written just for you.  CrossFit has been a polarizing topic since its inception thanks to it being a disruptor in an industry that had lacked any type of real evolution in decades.  This has led to false directives like “you have to be fit to start CrossFit” and/or “CrossFit has a high risk of injury”.  The fact is that we, at CFT, have helped hundreds of people in the Tracy-area lose weight and gain lean muscle for well over a decade and thanks to our mission to help 5000 people beat chronic disease and obesity we are here to stay.

If we were constantly injuring people, and only seeing success with people that were already fit we would not have survived this long and through a worldwide pandemic.  Now that we have gotten that out of the way lets discuss the 5 most important reasons you should consider CrossFit as your fitness regimen even if you are overweight:

1.    The workouts are designed with 3 avatar clients in mind, based on fitness and skill level, starting with those new to fitness called Fundamentals.  This baseline workout level allows our professional coaches to infinitely adjust the workout to fit you as an individual regardless of your starting point

2.    We start everyone in a one-on-one setting before you ever start the group classes to build your confidence, identify any poor movement patterns that could be cause for unnecessary pain, and get you familiar with the culture of CFT

3.    Everyone starts with a complimentary meal plan to help you kick the weight loss off from Day 1.  For those who need more attention and coaching, we also offer custom nutrition coaching that is done in partnership with registered dieticians

*You can book a complimentary consult with a nutrition coach HERE

4.    You have built-in accountability from your coaches, the friends you have made in class, and our Client Success Manager to insure that you stick with it long after the initial motivation has waned

5.    Staying the course you are on is far more dangerous than stepping out of your comfort zone and making progress with the help of a team of professional coaches, accountability partners, and thoroughly planned workouts

The goal at CFT is not to stick you into a “lose weight quick” scheme that may have initial benefits but ultimately be short lived.  Many of the staff know from experience that losing weight and keeping it off takes time, habit changes, and commitment.  If you are ready to commit then we are excited to help!

Commit to yourself and take that first step by booking a No Sweat Intro HERE

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